小黄片app offers practical, impartial support that is non-partisan. One of 小黄片app’s core values is to use our data and insight to provide a solid evidence base about the adult social care workforce. We provide intelligence and robust data to empower the sector to make plans for change based on facts.
The ASC-WDS is an online data collection service and the leading source of workforce information for the adult social care sector in England. Prior to 2019 it was known as the National Minimum Data Set for Social Care (NMDS-SC). As at January 2024 the ASC-WDS holds information on over 20,400 care providing locations and 660,000 workers.
The ASC-WDS has passed the government digital standards Alpha, Beta followed by the Live assessment in 2021. This is evidence that the system has proper governance, has a user centric design, the data is secure, managed and meets legislation. Information about data security, regulation of data, user rights etc. can be found on the ASC-WDS . Information about storing data, data protection legislation, GDPR and DPA can be found in the .
The majority of our Workforce Intelligence Analysts are Accredited Researchers, certified with the . This means we work to the standard of the ‘five safes framework’ making it a priority to keep these at the forefront of our minds when conducting research or analysis and storing or sharing any research or data.
We always make sure that our research and outputs are appropriate, trustworthy and there is no risk of misuse or a confidentially breach. When creating outputs, we always adhere to statistical disclosure controls, for example:
- we do not create data or publish, based on low bases.
- we do not disclose data about individuals.
- our outputs are clearly labelled.
- outputs have suitable interpretation.
- where applicable we provide a description of the analysis and contextual information.
- we provide an appropriate level of detail for the user.
An estimated publication date is put on our website a year in advance for all the workforce intelligence publications and interactive data visualisations. Official statistics publications are pre-announced and released in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.