The templates and guidance should be used to complete the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) by those working in both child and family and adult services.
The portfolio templates and guidance are applicable to NQSWs completing their ASYE programme across all sectors (local authorities, private/voluntary/independent) and all services (child and family, adults and mental health). They should be used by NQSWs, assessors and employers.
Although the ASYE is not mandatory, we strongly recommend that organisations use the 小黄片app templates as it allows for more effective quality assurance, moderation and consistency across England.
For some NQSWs with specific support needs, the accessibility of the templates will be enhanced by changing the font and/or background colour. Where this is the case, it would be a reasonable adjustment to amend the font and/or background colour of the templates to support the NQSW’s reading and comprehension of the template.
Templates for each ASYE stage
If more than three direct observations are required during the ASYE, then a direct observation template (2: DO, 3: DO or 5: DO) should be modified by changing the direct observation number in the heading of the form.
The NQSW PQS (KSS) self-assessment template is an agency form which should map the NQSW's knowledge, skills and practice against the relevant PQS (KSS) ( or ). The NQSW PQS (KSS) self-assessment template is mandatory across all child and family services across all sectors (statutory and private/voluntary/ independent). In child and family services this template should be completed at the beginning, midway and towards the end of the ASYE. It's recommended for NQSWs in adult services across all services and sectors.
It is not expected that the self-assessment documentation is included in the portfolio. It is the organisation's decision as to whether or not it is included. The refreshed internal moderation panel template requests only confirmation that the self-assessments have been completed.
As part of a robust assessment, NQSWs provide evidence of feedback from people they're supporting (service user feedback). Three pieces of feedback are required (this is a minimum), so if a NQSW wanted to submit additional evidence of feedback from people they are supporting they can do so. The feedback from people being supported can be gathered by the observer at the end of a direct observation and/or through the NQSW asking a person they're supporting to provide them with feedback, sometimes this feedback will be volunteered without a request.
It's good practice to reflect on the feedback received and organisations should consider including a section for this within the agency feedback forms. If the feedback received is challenging then the NQSW, as a matter of good practice, should reflect on it with their assessor. A new learning need might be identified through such reflection.
Identification of learning and development needs at the initial professional development meeting will be supported by the completion of the self-assessment tool, which is an organisational specific form. This initial discussion will help inform the discussions at the support and assessment agreement meeting, the assessment process in the year ahead, and inform the initial professional development plan (PDP).
Completing the initial professional development meeting template with the NQSW. Setting out, agreeing and completing the support and assessment agreement with the NQSW (including roles and responsibilities). Prompting and enabling the NQSW to reflect on the year ahead.
The following video provides information about the resources available to support this stage of the process, which is vital at the beginning of the programme.
Development of critically reflective practice, identification of progress and continuing development needs, planning for the three month foundational review. Submission of work product(s) to ASYE assessor, together with other evidence of progression, such as a direct observation (see evidence table below).
Review of support and progress with reference to the NQSW’s critical reflection within the practice evidence and work products submitted.
This video focuses on how this is one of the key ways of providing practice evidence, as part of the assessment of each NQSW.
This video highlights the importance of giving and receiving feedback and explores some of the principles around how it can be a positive and empowering interaction between the NQSW, assessor and others who provide feedback.
Progressive development of critically reflective practice, completing the critical reflection and planning for the six month interim review and assessment.
Review of support and progress with reference to the NQSW’s critically reflective practice and other evidence of progression, undertaking interim assessment. Assessor to invite any relevant ‘others’ to the interim review meeting.
Critical reflection and assessment (written and oral) – explores in more detail what critical reflection is, what could be included in the presentation (which can be written or oral) and guidance on how to prepare and deliver it.
Prepare for the nine months progressive development meeting and complete meeting template with the assessor.
Prepare for the nine months progressive development meeting and complete meeting template with NQSW. Assessor to invite any relevant ‘others’ to the progressive development meeting.
Working towards the end of the ASYE - consolidation of learning, recording in the critically reflective practice and planning for continued professional development. Submission of work product(s) to ASYE assessor.
Final review of support and progress with reference to the NQSW’s critical written reflective piece or presentation, and other evidence of progression. Final assessment leading to recommendation. Assessor to invite any relevant ‘others’ to the final review meeting.
*There is guidance on the presentations for both NQSWs and observers.
PDF - 111Kb
Guidance on things you should could consider when writing your presentation and how to prepare for and deliver it.
Word doc - 46Kb
If you (a NQSW) are undertaking the presentation, you need to complete this template to provide evidence on your experience of the support arrangements since the six month review.
Word document - 39Kb
Guidance on providing feedback to the NQSW, together with information about the assessment criteria.