The Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) is a 12-month, employer led and employment-based programme of support and assessment for newly qualified social workers (NQSWs)
The ASYE programme is for all sectors (statutory and private/voluntary/independent) and across child and family, adult and mental health services.
There’s now one framework for both adults and child and family services so that we have a consistent approach to the ASYE programme for newly qualified social workers NQSWs.
The framework provides:
- one set of templates for both adults and child and family services
- tailored information for NQSWs, ASYE coordinators and ASYE assessors/supervisors
- a robust cycle of quality assurance and continuous improvement.
Having one national ASYE programme will now make it easier for organisations where there are various services which employ NQSWs to work together.
We’ve created a series of support videos for the ASYE to provide information and guidance on the refreshed framework.
About the ASYE
The ASYE lasts one year and should be quality assured on a regular basis by the organisation as this leads to the programme’s continuing improvement. The quality assurance process is a key part of the overall ASYE framework. Our can assist your quality assurance process.
Employer benefits
Workforce retention
Social workers remain in the profession and continue to develop and progress throughout their social work career.
High standards of practice
Deliver positive outcomes for children, young people, families, and adults who draw on care and support.
Who is the programme for?
Registered social workers who are employed in a social work role or in a role that meets and evidences the relevant post-qualifying standards.
- NQSWs employed in child and family, adult or mental health services, within the statutory or PVI (private, voluntary, independent) sectors.
- Agency NQSWs - an agreement will need to be made as to whether the agency or host employer fulfils the ASYE requirements.
- Social workers qualified up to four years. After four years organisations can use the ASYE programme, but they will not receive funding or certification from 小黄片app.
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The framework explains the underpinning principles of the ASYE and its three main elements: Professional development and support, evidence requirements and assessment and quality assurance.
Support arrangements for NQSWs
Support for NQSWs to develop to the ASYE standard is one of the core dimensions of the ASYE programme.
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This guidance sets out the minimum expectations of the support arrangements for NQSWs, irrespective of setting or practice situation. They are based on the Employer Standards for Employers of Social Workers.
National evaluation criteria
The ASYE national evaluation criteria (NEC) supports the continuous development and quality of a programme.
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Employers can use the national evaluation criteris (NEC) to ensure their programme is a successful one. It also includes specific areas that are one step beyond the NEC, known as NEC+. The evaluation criteria will evolve where evidence from the sector indicates that they should be developed further.
Assessment requirements
NQSWs should be assessed against the following Post Qualifying Standards (PQS, formerly known as the KSS)
Find out more about assessments
We’ve developed a series of videos to support the refreshed framework for the ASYE programme. The first video provides an overview of the changes to the assessment process and the tools and resources to be used by NQSWs, assessors and employers in completing the ASYE.
Watch the more videos in the series:
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