Registered managers provide the best care for the people they support and their workforce. We offer support and information for all registered managers and front-line managers.
At the heart of every outstanding service is a manager who’s working hard to ensure that they can create a person-centred culture that delivers great, high-quality care.
Registered manager membership
For only £35 per year, become a member of our growing community of registered managers. Benefits include exclusive resources, monthly newsletters and discounts.
Local networks for managers
Our networks cover every local authority area in England and help mangers stay connected with virtual meetings and WhatsApp groups. Find your nearest С»ÆƬapp locality manager for local support and help connecting with other managers.
Deputy manager networks
The deputy manager networks provide an opportunity for deputies to build supportive networks and share experiences and ideas with others.
Registered manager webinars
Our registered manager webinars are 30-45 minutes long and cover a range of topics to support managers and their services. They are all delivered to a live audience and recorded for further viewing.
Social care managers Facebook group
Our Facebook group is open to all registered managers and front-line managers in similar roles. Join this group of managers to stay connected with each other and share advice, experiences and guidance.
Network chairs
We have over 140 networks across England chaired by managers, for managers.
Network chairs are passionate about what they do, and they have first-hand experience of quality care.
The care exchange
The care exchange is our podcast series that celebrates the role of managers in social care. The episodes are all hosted by С»ÆƬapp locality managers and cover a variety of topics.
Do you employ nurses?
Visit our nursing area where you can access a range of resources from guidance, webinars, and networking groups to support employers and nurses as well as newsletters to keep up to date with news and events from the sector.
Advice line
Set up for all types of frontline social care managers to support your organisation.
Get help to find resources and advice on how to recruit and retain your workforce, develop your team, strengthen leadership, meet CQC expectations around quality of care plus much more.
Open between 09.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday.